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Oil, Gas & Energy Companies Trust Adlib to:

  • Boost ALIM Efficiency

  • Achieve Regulatory Compliance

  • Streamline Data Sharing

  • Create Archival Documents of Record


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“Adlib delivers excellently converted AutoCAD renditions, which is highly important to us. These can be complex images so accurately transferring the detail is critical.”

- Enterprise Information Management Manager, Global Chemical Company


Access and assemble unstructured data into regulatory-compliant documents.

Archive-Ready Reporting

Create accurate and archivable documents to reduce errors in regulatory reporting.

Traceable ALIM Documentation

Automatically generate time-stamped documents to create an ALIM audit trail.

Improved Document Security

Follow industry best practices to ensure company and customer data security.


Automate time-consuming, error-prone, manual documentation processes.

Improve Data Sharing

Automate file type standardization, including AutoCAD to PDF, for internal / external shareability.

Create a Document Repository

Assemble and maintain critical data within a centralized and accessible document repository.

Increase Operational Productivity

Reduce labor-intensive administrative tasks for in-house and in-field employees.


Integrate seamlessly with existing ALIM systems.

Eliminate System Silos

Reduce IT budgets and technology footprints via integration with existing tech-stacks.

Leverage Critical Data

Standardize unstructured files to create searchable, analytics-ready documents.

Reduce Overhead

Automate document governance processes and reduce company overhead.

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How Adlib Helps
Energy Companies


and ingest operational and regulatory documents from any source.


any file format, including AutoCAD, into readable and searchable PDFs.


and assemble multiple files into cohesive, digitally-tagged documents. 


documentation by adding headers, footers, watermarks, and tables of contents.


and save files into user-specified locations for access across the enterprise.


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Customer Success Stories

A North-American Electric Corporation Partners With Adlib to Meet NRC Compliance

Adlib’s automated PDF conversion tools enabled the organization to comply with NRC regulations, reduce manual
data input, and eliminate human error.

A Federally Owned Electric Utility Automates With Adlib

When the corporation needed to replace systems used in mission-critical document distribution, the energy company turned to Adlib, which delivered a fully-automated solution.

Adlib Helps A Hydrocarbon Exploration Firm Transform CAD Drawings Into Shareable PDFs

The inability to share AutoCAD files with third parties created myriad problems for this petroleum corporation. Solution? Leverage Adlib’s best-in-class document transformation platform to convert CAD drawings into searchable, multi-layered PDF files.

Featured Resources

tablet ebook cover web
Finer POints of Document Security Social
Adlib Whitepaper - Best Practices For Effective Document Archival Cover web

Why Document Management Is A Critical Building Block Of An Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM) System


The Finer Points of Document Security


Best Practices For Effective Document Archival

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Adlib Wants To Help!

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